Municipality can provide self-employed persons with an advance

Atrium city hall Utrecht

Due to the measures against the corona virus, many independent entrepreneurs, including self-employed persons, are losing income. The Cabinet supports them with a temporary scheme (Tozo), until June 1, 2020. This scheme for self-employed entrepreneurs with financial problems is implemented by municipalities.

There are 2 forms of support, the municipality offers income support for a maximum of 3 months up to the social minimum or a loan for working capital can be applied for. The starting point is a simple scheme that makes it possible for municipalities to dispose of them within 4 weeks of registration.

SZW is now working on the regulation (AMvB) and expects to be able to provide more details by 25 March. The scheme itself is not there yet, because of the procedures attached to it. This can take a few more weeks. The new temporary scheme is based on the Self-Employed Assistance Decree (Bbz) and is subject to the Participation Act. Where possible, SZW will link up with and refer to the Bbz in the regulation so that the same process can be followed as much as possible in the first instance.

pay out under the scheme

The scheme is not yet in force. Municipalities can process applications, but they do not yet have them. Municipalities that already want to support self-employed workers without employees pending the new scheme can do this by granting an advance. The ordinary advance provision from the Participation Act can be used for this (Article 52 P Act). Due to the retroactive effect of the temporary arrangement, the basis for the advance will then be created later.

Municipalities can use the existing application form, Chamber of Commerce registration, ID proof and bank statements and the existing decisions and letters for this. A new decision will have to be made for the definitive award, because there will be a new underlying AMvB. The project group (see below) will make a model decision and bring it to the attention of municipalities via Divosa and the VNG. 

retroactive to March 1

De grant is currently for 3 months and will run until 1 June 2020. The scheme has a retroactive effect until 1 March. The aim is to spread the receipt of applications. If applications are received in installments, this relieves the municipality and the people with the greatest need are the first to be helped. There is no 'budget limit' or the like. 

Also read: VNG: freelancers can go to the counter of their own municipality

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