Leasing company and insurer thinks in solutions

When entrepreneurs have a transport contract with a health insurer and are experiencing liquidity problems, it may be a good time to get in direct contact with the insurer in question. After all, insurers will not benefit from the fact that after the corona crisis, healthcare transport can no longer start due to the disappearance of transport companies.

payment break of 6 months

Now more than ever, it is a time to talk to insurers and lease companies. Leasing companies may also offer something in the form of a discount. Due to the impact of the Coronavirus Alpha Credit also decided to automatically suspend the payment of interest and repayment (monthly installment), for 6 months. Customers who are affected by the Coronavirus and who use Financial Lease at Alpha Credit Netherlands will receive a 6-month payment break for interest and repayment.

delay payment lease term

After research by the industry association KNV, it is advised that a request for postponement of lease terms with Mercedes following Covid-19 can best be submitted in writing by Email or with your own account manager. All requests must be made in writing by individual customers. This allows Mercedes to correctly process and document every request.

insurers think in solutions

Not only leasing companies are a heavy cost item, taxi insurance is also expensive. Every week that a taxi does not have to be insured, an entrepreneur can save a lot of money. Suspending the vehicle at the RDW offers a solution because if a vehicle is off the public road, the obligation to keep it insured no longer applies. 

Nationale Nederlanden and Achmea want to show willingness to do something about the conditions of the insurance, in exceptional cases and only because of the current crisis, for those vehicles that are not being used and that are on their own property or parking facility. Large transport companies in the Netherlands have now turned this question out to insurers as a possible extra measure to limit losses. 

banks help fundamentally healthy companies with it

Smaller companies, with financing of up to 2,5 million euros, can be granted a six-month extension to paying off their loans. ABN Amro, ING, Rabobank, de Volksbank and Triodos have decided this together. According to the Dutch Banking Association, the need among companies is high. In order to qualify for this postponement, it is true that the companies must be healthy at heart.

Also read: FNV demands flexibility in the taxi sector during the corona crisis

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