Pension fund Transport to Achmea for asset management


Since 1 January, the management of the Transport Pension Fund has been transferred to Achmea Investment Management after Robeco has provided integral asset management for eight years. In line with the outsourcing policy, the fund launched a market orientation in 2018. Mapping all relevant players on the market was a thorough process, in which Robeco also participated.

The main reason for choosing Achmea Investment Management as an integrated manager is that it can unburden the fund across the board and serve several clients of a similar size. The fund looks back with satisfaction at Robeco's services.

“After having gone through a thorough process, the board of Pensioenfonds Vervoer decided on 4 April to transfer the integrated asset management to Achmea Investment Management at the end of 2019. The main reason for choosing Achmea Investment Management as an integrated manager is that it can unburden Pensioenfonds Vervoer across the board and serves several clients of a comparable size, ”says Willem Brugman, general manager of Pensioenfonds Vervoer.

Transport Pension Fund administers the pension schemes for employees in the professional goods transport, private bus and taxi transport sectors, the inland navigation company, the crane rental company and the employees of Orsima. Pensioenfonds Vervoer has over 670.000 participants and at the end of the first quarter of 2019 invested capital of approximately 28 billion euros. The assets under management of Achmea Investment Management are currently around 129 billion euros.

“We are geared up to serve large clients such as Pensioenfonds Vervoer. Integrated management for this pension fund is at the heart of our fiduciary services, which we offer to a wide range of pension fund clients. We look forward to working together with the board and the board office to maximize the interests of the participants, ”said Jacob de Wit, chairman of Achmea Investment Management (photo).

Also read: Achmea will bid farewell to the FICA system from March 1, 2020

Jacob de Wit - Achmea
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