Climate expert asks to stop government support

Natural gas is and will remain an utterly fossil fuel that we must get rid of in the short term and stop government support for. Because if Europe wants to run climate neutral in 2050, no new fossil cars can be sold from 2035, and preferably from 2030, including those that run on natural gas. Nevertheless, the Flemish government still subsidizes plenty of cars that run on natural gas.

Climate expert Pieter Boussemaere calls on government support for natural gas cars to stop and, in the first place, to stimulate economical, cheap electric cars. According to Boussemaere, this will prevent an endless subsidy pit for government support, help more people make the right choice, increase support, accelerate the energy transition, reduce health costs and reduce the risk of heavy fines from Europe.

From a social point of view, electric driving, in addition to more and better public transport, is a huge opportunity and a must for every government. Any subsidy for cars should therefore be used for electric vehicles.

The Flemish purchase premium still somewhat corrected this injustice. Cheaper electric cars received higher government support and vice versa. But just that is going to be overhauled. Unfortunately. However, things could be done differently: Firstly, stop subsidizing natural gas cars and, first and foremost, encourage economical electric cars, which are often also the cheapest. Then reduce that government support over time as electric cars become cheaper.

It is expected that around 2025 electric cars will require little government support. In this way you prevent an endless subsidy pit, help more people make the right choice, increase support, accelerate the energy transition, reduce health costs and reduce the chance of heavy fines from Europe. 

Also read: Needed worldwide attention for LPG

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