Alexander Pechtold becomes CEO of CBR

Driving license extension

On 1 November next, on the recommendation of the Supervisory Board, Alexander Pechtold, who has since been appointed by the Minister, will become General Director of the Central Bureau for Driving Skills (CBR).

According to an write The CBR is an organization that is experiencing difficult times for the House of Representatives of the Minister and is faced with a major challenge to improve performance as a public service provider as quickly as possible.

“Mr. Alexander Pechtold will, from his long-standing political experience, be able to enter into a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders and bring peace to the organization, which is necessary to lead the CBR through this phase”, said Minister C. van Nieuwenhuizen Wijbenga. “In collegial board with the Director of Operations Mr. Jan Jurgen Huizing, who has ample experience with implementing organizations, the commitment of Mr. Pier Eringa and the Supervisory Board, I expect that Mr. Alexander Pechtold can make an excellent contribution to further order bringing and further developing the CBR. ”

Wait months for an extension after a re-examination.

At the insistence of responsible minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, the CBR says to ensure that the number of experts can be expanded in the short term, that work will be more efficient and that everything is in order in the long term.

The CBR calls these people 'medical advisers'. They can decide whether citizens are still medically fit to drive. The problems that citizens experience at the CBR are mainly because it is not possible to assess the health statements in time.

The CBR receives more and more claims for damages from older people who have been waiting for months because their driving license is not renewed. Meanwhile, the waiting people incur additional costs for their transport.

Alexander Pechtold was a Dutch politician for Democrats 66. From 2006 to 2018, he chaired the House of Representatives on behalf of that party. Previously, he was a minister in the Balkenende II cabinet and mayor of Wageningen.

Also read: Driving license for over-75s possible

Alexander Pechtold
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