Koolmees and Van Veldhoven sign for track jobs

Train conductor NS

Thirty status holders are trained for a permanent job in the rail sector. This intention is stated in the letter of intent “Sustainable labor market on track” that Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment, State Secretary Van Veldhoven of Infrastructure and Water Management, together with rail manager ProRail, training institute Railcenter and rail contractors BAM Infra Rail and Strukton Rail, sign today.

Van Veldhoven: “This is an excellent opportunity for a job in a real top sector. Moreover, this initiative is good news for the traveler. The use of public transport is expected to rise sharply in the coming years. And that involves a lot of work that requires good personnel. I really want all people who want to and can also have the opportunity to work in the rail sector. This declaration of intent is a very good start ”.

The aim is for at least 30 status holders to have a permanent job in the rail sector by 2021. After 2021, the intention is for at least 10 status holders to enter each year. In this way, to lay the foundation for good cooperation and to work on a healthy labor market in the rail sector.
The letter of intent is part of the pilot 'Learning and working' of the Further Integration on the Labor Market (VIA) program of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. The VIA program consists of eight experimental pilots with employers, municipalities and schools that are closely monitored and evaluated. The declaration of intent “Sustainable labor market on track” is part of one of these pilots.

Koolmees: “It is very important that everyone in the Netherlands can participate. For an equal society and a healthy economy. In addition, we need everyone: to seize opportunities but also to get them. After all, work is the fastest way to economic independence and integration. I hope that other sectors will follow soon. ”

State Secretary Van Veldhoven today sends her response to the previously presented action plan “Denderende Banen” to the House of Representatives. In addition to its efforts to prepare permit holders for a job in the rail sector, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is working with various educational institutions. The aim is to make vocational education and a job in the rail sector more compatible. For schoolchildren, but also for transfer students.

The parties intend that the employers involved form a leading group and cooperate with municipalities and training and knowledge parties, including RailConnect and Railcenter. The responsibility for the implementation and realization lies with the individual parties. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and Social Affairs and Employment are involved as driving parties.

Read ok: Good performance ProRail and NS in the first half of the year

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