Eindhoven Central is the new name from December

Photo: Pitane Blue - Eindhoven Central

Eindhoven Station will be renamed Eindhoven Central Station. With effect from the new timetable on Sunday 15 December, Eindhoven Station will receive the addition Centraal. Amersfoort may also carry the designation.

The Netherlands currently has six Central Stations: in the four major cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague) and in Arnhem and Leiden. Amersfoort and Eindhoven will soon be the seventh and eighth stations in the Netherlands that can call themselves that.

It is estimated that the name change will cost between 100.000 and 150.000 euros. The exact costs are not yet clear, but the largest part is paid by the municipality of Eindhoven. The municipality of Amersfoort had applied for the name change and will also finance it.

"We take a critical look at it, are careful with the name Central Station, it is not simply given," says ProRail spokesperson René Vegter.

A name change takes a long time, explains a spokesperson for ProRail.

"Not only nameplates have to be changed, but systems also have to be adapted," explains the spokesperson for ProRail.

It is important that the region has an important international image, as a technological hub with companies such as ASML and NXP. And don't neglect the prospect of a direct international connection Eindhoven to give the designation Central Station, says ProRail. From 2025, the station will have a direct intercity connection with Düsseldorf, without a transfer in Venlo. In the case of Eindhoven, of course, it also plays a role that it has an airport.

Also read: Departing CEO ProRail: 'Fear rules with the government'

Eindhoven Strijp
Eindhoven Strijp
Photo: Pitane Blue - Eindhoven Central
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