guide dog

Assistance dog: legal welcome, practically refused

Every situation is different, but often the dog owner of a guide dog is confronted by an employee who is not aware of the legislation. The indispensable companions are still…

Concerns: the future of student transport in Rotterdam

Concerns: the future of student transport in Rotterdam

The Rotterdam transport company Trevvel, charged with transporting the elderly and students, is under political pressure on the eve of a new tender round. With criticism from various quarters, including the…

Waiting for the bus remains a daily reality for Rotterdam residents…

Waiting for the bus remains a daily reality for Rotterdam residents…

Although Trevvel, the organization responsible for this student transport, claims that the driver shortage has been resolved, practice turns out to be different.

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The IEVO concept is clear and familiar to everyone on the road

The IEVO concept is clear and familiar to everyone on the road

Ievo represents a new step forward in regional transport, with an emphasis on efficiency, independence and inclusiveness. Since August 1, 2023, residents of Maassluis, Vlaardingen and Schiedam can enjoy…

Munckhof will be responsible for planning at…

Munckhof will be responsible for planning at…

Noot will be replaced for WMO transport in the region, but is still responsible for student transport. A new party for the…

Edwin Besseling becomes senior execution manager at Munckhof Groep

Edwin Besseling becomes senior execution manager at Munckhof Groep

Until mid-April he worked at Trevvel in Rotterdam, a conscious choice to say goodbye to them. A transport man through and through, as Besseling calls himself…

Especially complaining about Trevvel, the surcharge scandal and the energy surcharge

Especially complaining about Trevvel, the surcharge scandal and the energy surcharge

The annual report for 2022 was presented and target group transport is faring poorly. Ombudsman Rotterdam-Rijnmond received more complaints last year than in previous years, partly due to the large number of...

Trevvel and De Rotterdam Challenge are moving together for…

Trevvel and De Rotterdam Challenge are moving together for…

“Too many Rotterdammers suffer from poverty, loneliness or poor health,” says Karin van Elten, chairman of De Rotterdamse Uitdaging. Social involvement is one of the spearheads of…

Trevvel meets her employees

Trevvel meets her employees

These measures are highly appreciated by our employees. Arno van Haasterrecht, director of Trevvel, asks passengers for understanding for any inconvenience caused by announced actions. The FNV announced that…

Radar investigates student transport Trevvel

Radar investigates student transport Trevvel

Radar can be seen on NPO 10 next Monday, October 20.33 at 1:2018 PM. In XNUMX, the company received the tender from the municipality of Rotterdam. And ever since then…

Rotterdam politics now finished with Trevvel

Rotterdam politics now finished with Trevvel

“What is going on with transport planning requires urgent attention because it goes wrong so often.” Rotterdam politicians are now done with all the problems surrounding the transport company...

Rotterdam is the only city where it is such a mess

Rotterdam is the only city where it is such a mess

Crisis meeting between Trevvel and councilor Maarten Struijvenberg. Marianne van den Anker, Municipal Ombudsman Rotterdam, no longer accepts the explanation of Trevvel director Arno van Haasterecht. “They keep talking about…