Highest number of road fatalities since 2008

Highest number of road fatalities since 2008

To reduce the number of road casualties, significant investments are necessary in traffic enforcement and bicycle safety, among other things. The Road Safety Coalition is deeply affected by the enormous increase in the number of...

Rise in the number of road deaths in the EU

Rise in the number of road deaths in the EU

Across the EU, road fatalities increased by 2022% in 3 compared to the previous year, not least because traffic levels recovered...

Fewer fatalities in traffic last year

Fewer fatalities in traffic last year

Due to the consequences of the corona crisis, there is less traffic on Dutch roads. Yet accidents still often occur and there are traffic fatalities and injuries. From figures from…

Substantial increase in road deaths among senior cyclists

Substantial increase in road deaths among senior cyclists

We notice that the roads are becoming increasingly busy in terms of cyclists. Many people have started cycling in times of the corona crisis because, for example, public transport is not accessible...

Road fatalities no less due to the corona crisis

Road fatalities no less due to the corona crisis

You would expect that the number of traffic deaths would be lower during the corona crisis. Many people work from home, schools were closed for weeks and people...

The Netherlands is going back to school, be careful

The Netherlands is going back to school, be careful

After the summer holidays there is a peak in the number of road casualties due to collisions between motorists and cycling students. Every day, almost two school classes full of children report for treatment…