Rush for Flemish premiums for electric cars

Rush for Flemish premiums for electric cars

The Flemish Minister of Mobility, Lydia Peeters, has reserved a budget of 20 million euros for this scheme. With almost 3.000 applications, this budget seems sufficient for the time being.

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Tetra+ premium extended to taxi and VVB companies

Tetra+ premium extended to taxi and VVB companies

The Brussels Region offers the “Tetra+” premium to Brussels companies. This was extended to taxi and VVB companies. The “Tetra Premium” is awarded depending on the Brussels business units…

Age Discrimination with WA and VC Car Insurance

Age Discrimination with WA and VC Car Insurance

To questions from Member Krol to the Ministers of Finance and Justice and Security about age discrimination in third party and VC car insurance, the Minister responded cautiously and rather reservedly. For distinction…

Electric vehicle charging

Flemish government to scrap premium for electric cars

The Flemish government will stop the purchase premium for electric cars from January 1 next year. According to Flemish Minister of Energy Zuhal Demir (N-VA), the premium has too little effect. It…