relax as a driver

Gilkinet's policy resistance to self-driving cars is a bump in the road

Meanwhile, voices from academia, including Steven Latré of Imec, are calling for pilot projects to further develop self-driving technology.

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Ecolo Minister Gilkinet wants to ban domestic flights

Ecolo Minister Gilkinet wants to ban domestic flights

Every day, five planes take off from Belgium to land elsewhere in the country. Georges Gilkinet, the Belgian Federal Government's Minister of Mobility, is working on…

Signals green for the Three-Country train between Belgium, the Netherlands and…

Signals green for the Three-Country train between Belgium, the Netherlands and…

Now that the NMBS, NS and Arriva carriers have indicated that it is possible to run the train, ministers have ordered the service to be started. State Secretary Vivianne Heijnen of Infrastructure and…

Gilkinet is going to warn that the driver's license expires

Gilkinet is going to warn that the driver's license expires

Legally, it remains the driver who must keep an eye on his driver's license. Most Belgian drivers do not know that their driving license expires this year. You will receive a notification…

End of the mouth mask obligation for Gilkinet

End of the mouth mask obligation for Gilkinet

The minister hopes that this will happen next week at the latest. Federal Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) has asked to abolish the face mask requirement on public transport. "The…


Breach of confidence between NMBS and Minister Gilkinet

Rail boss Sophie Dutordoir no longer has confidence in mobility minister Georges Gilkinet. In a strong letter, which was leaked yesterday, railway boss Sophie Dutordoir talks about a "serious breach of trust". The reason is the…