Changes in the mobility of Flanders: what you need to…

Changes in the mobility of Flanders: what you need to…

July 1 will be accompanied by drastic changes in the mobility of Flanders. The adjustments affect both car owners and public transport users, and truck drivers must also take the…

Major progressive public transport reform will start on July 1

Major progressive public transport reform will start on July 1

In the first phase, a quarter of all bus lines in Limburg will be redesigned and there will be a new 'Kothopper' for students. The Flemish government has the ambition to…

Pilot project for the Hoppin power station has started

Pilot project for the Hoppin power station has started

The pilot aims to test whether the software is optimally geared to the needs of dial-a-bus users. The pilot project for the Hoppin power station has started as part of the…

The redrawing of the mobility landscape

The redrawing of the mobility landscape

“Exchange of views on the rollout of the Basic Accessibility Decree” With the new mobility vision, Flanders is committed to more efficient public transport, tailored to our bicycle and road network. The train network remains the backbone…

Via's Flemish strength is the loss of…

Via's Flemish strength is the loss of…

Flanders will be provided with a completely new transport model in the coming years. Residents from large cities to residents on flat land must find their way within the new transport plan...

Flemish mobility center in foreign hands

Flemish mobility center in foreign hands

The Flemish government is entering the next phase now that it has been announced that the mobility center will be acquired by the American ViaVan. Flanders will use the same system as Amsterdam,…

Council of State suspends contract mobility center

Council of State suspends contract mobility center

On May 12 (2021), the Council of State suspended the award for the mobility centers. This is evident from the answer of Minister Lydia Peeters to a parliamentary question from Flemish...

Why continue with kamikaze tender?

Why continue with kamikaze tender?

Traffic planner and mobility advisor for the city of Leuven Tim Asperges asks questions after the announcement that a candidate for the operation of the mobility center has submitted a request for suspension in the event of extreme necessity. According to…

Start of mobility center 1 January 2022 may not be feasible

Start of mobility center 1 January 2022 may not be feasible

Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters today provided explanations in the Flemish Parliament about the installation of the Flemish mobility center. On Friday, April 2, the Flemish Government took the motivated...

Flemish Government remains silent after award

Flemish Government remains silent after award

Just before the Easter recess, the Flemish Government awarded the mobility center as part of the tender procedure. During the last committee meeting, Minister Lydia Peeters certainly hoped that...

Taxi in Ghent

GTL: “Postponement would be an extra blow for the Flemish…

Earlier this week, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) asked Minister Peeters to postpone the launch date of basic accessibility by 6 months and GTL is not…


VVSG asks to postpone the launch date for basic availability

Advocate, knowledge sharer and network organization for local authorities, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities, asks Minister Lydia Peeters to postpone the launch date of basic accessibility by 6 months.…