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ProRail makes real-time information available about the status of lifts at stations.

This means that passengers who depend on a lift can now check in advance whether a lift is functioning properly. Carriers and other organisations will soon offer this information via their own travel information channels. The new service is an important step in improving the accessibility of public transport, according to ProRail.

innovative technology

The introduction of this service was a complex process, says Chiel Overgoor, domain director at ProRail. “All elevators at our stations are equipped with sensors that can automatically detect and report malfunctions. It was a huge challenge to make the information available completely and reliably,” Overgoor explains. The project required intensive cooperation with various parties, including maintenance companies, the Dutch Railways (NS), the collaborating decentralized public transport authorities (DOVA) and the standardization organization BISON.

According to Overgoor, months of testing were conducted to ensure the quality of the data. “Now that we are certain that the data is reliable, we offer it via NDOV counters such as the Travel Information Group and OpenGeo. These platforms ensure that the data is made available to carriers and other stakeholders.” NDOV, which stands for National Public Transport Data, aims to make public transport data accessible to market parties, while DOVA monitors the data quality.

practical benefits

The ultimate goal is that travelers can see in real time via apps or websites whether the elevator at their departure or arrival station is working. This is especially important for people with a physical disability, but also for travelers with strollers or heavy luggage. By making this information available, ProRail hopes that travelers can plan their journey better and surprises along the way are avoided.

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This innovation fits seamlessly with the agreements in the Accessibility Administrative Agreement. This agreement, concluded by various parties in the transport sector, aims for public transport that is accessible to everyone. According to ProRail, the real-time lift information is an important milestone within this project.

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Defective escalator - Utrecht Central Station

Although ProRail makes the data available, the responsibility for the actual implementation lies with the carriers. They must integrate the information into their travel information systems, such as apps, websites or screens at stations. The process has already been initiated, but it is not yet known when all carriers will have fully integrated the data.

greater accessibility

The availability of real-time elevator information marks an important step in improving the accessibility of stations. However, Overgoor emphasizes that this is only the beginning. “We continue to work on further innovations to make traveling easier for everyone,” he says. With this development, ProRail hopes to be an example for other countries and thus also set an international standard.

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