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Small adjustments to the HSL timetable.

The NS has announced that it will make a number of adjustments to the timetable of trains on the High Speed ​​Line (HSL). The direct reason for this is the further reduction of the maximum speed on a large part of this line, from 120 km/h to 80 km/h. This speed restriction results in an average additional travel time of approximately three minutes. 

By deploying the new, fast New Generation Intercity (ICNG) on the route between Breda and Amsterdam, NS is trying to limit the extra travel time. This ICNG train can reach speeds of up to 200 km/h on parts of the route where there are no speed limits, allowing some delays to be made up.

The adjusted timetable comes into effect on August 5 and will remain in force until the end of 2024. NS has incorporated the extra travel time into the timetable, so that travelers are always aware of the correct departure and arrival times through the travel planners. Travelers are advised to plan their journey via the NS app for up-to-date travel information.

transfer times

The changes to the timetable will affect the travel time and transfer time at various stations along the HSL. Due to the adjusted timetable, a train may depart earlier or arrive later, which in some cases means that a planned transfer is no longer possible. This applies, for example, to some of the travelers from Breda who want to transfer to Schiphol in Rotterdam. NS advises these travelers to take the direct Intercity Direct from Breda to Schiphol to continue their journey without any problems.

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Photo: press photo ICNG NS

The additional speed restrictions are the result of the discovery of cracks in the HSL viaducts. Speed ​​limits had previously been imposed, but the new findings have led to further restrictions. This has already reduced the number of trains on the line. NS has stated that it finds this situation unacceptable and is urging speedy recovery and repair work on the viaducts. However, there is no indication yet of when these repairs will take place.

The HSL plays a crucial role in the Dutch rail network. In addition to the tens of thousands of domestic travelers who use this line every day, the number of international travelers is also growing rapidly. NS emphasizes the importance of a fast and reliable HSL timetable to meet the needs of these travelers.

It is very important that the HSL infrastructure is quickly restored to minimize further delays and inconvenience for travelers. NS continues to talk to the authorities involved to speed up the recovery process and strives to be able to offer an optimal timetable again as soon as possible.

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