What will change for entrepreneurs as of July 1, 2024?
From July 1, 2024, entrepreneurs will be confronted with a series of new laws and regulations that will have a significant impact on their business operations. One of the most drastic changes concerns the use of electric vans. From that date, a C3.500 driving license is required for electric vans weighing between 4.250 and 1 kilos. Previously, a driving license B was sufficient, but this is going to change, meaning that drivers now have to obtain a truck driving license to be allowed to drive these vehicles. This rule previously applied to non-electric vans, but is now being extended to electric variants.
This change has major consequences for many entrepreneurs, as many drivers of electric vans currently do not have a large driving license. This can lead to additional costs and administrative burdens, as drivers now have to take additional driving lessons and exams to obtain the necessary driving license. In addition, the new regulations put pressure on entrepreneurs with sustainability ambitions, as they may have to switch to vans with a diesel engine. This goes against government calls for further sustainability and could significantly delay sales of new electric vans.
Driving License B
Various organizations, including VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland, have previously called on the House of Representatives to intervene and argue for an extension of the tolerance scheme, as long as there is no new legislation. Despite these calls, the scheme is being implemented as planned, which is a disappointment for many entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs who have invested in a zero-emission commercial vehicle with a maximum permitted mass of 1 to 2023 kilograms before October 3.501, 4.250 may continue to drive it after July 1 with a B driving license only.
After discussions with the European Commission and in consultation with Minister Karien van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment and the Public Prosecution Service, Mark Harbers of Infrastructure and Water Management has decided to extend the current tolerance situation for a year under certain conditions. At the same time, a new General Administrative Order (AMvB) is being drawn up. The outgoing government wants to prevent entrepreneurs with a heavier zero-emission commercial vehicle from getting into trouble between July 1, 2024 and the entry into force of new European regulations (the fourth driving license directive).

Employers with more than 100 employees must obligated of CO2register emissions of their people. This includes all business trips and commuting. They must report on this every year, no later than June 30. Make sure your administration is in order to submit data in 2025. You can choose (in 2025) to report on only the 2nd half of 2024, or on the entire 2024. What data you need can be found in the guide 'Data collection work-related personal mobility'.
minimum wage
Changes in the field of labor law and social security always take place on January 1 and July 1. The minimum wage will be adjusted with an increase of 3,09 percent. For employees aged 21 and over, this means an increase of 41 cents per hour, causing the minimum wage for full-time workers aged 21 and over to rise from 13,27 euros to 13,68 euros per hour. This wage increase will result in higher wage costs for employers, which could mean an additional financial burden, especially for small entrepreneurs.
However, the additional increase of 1,2 percent, which was planned on top of the six-monthly indexation, will not take place. This is due to a negative vote from the Senate, which limits the increase to the aforementioned 3,09 percent. Not only employees, but also people with an AOW or WW benefit will benefit from this increase. From July 1, employers must take the new amounts into account and ensure that they adjust their payroll administration in a timely manner to meet the new legal requirements.
This series of changes means that entrepreneurs must prepare well and may have to adapt their business operations to comply with the new laws and regulations. It is advisable for entrepreneurs to obtain timely information and advice on the best ways to deal with these changes, in order to avoid unnecessary costs and complications.