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The Amsterdam Salon Fleet demands a place on the World Heritage List.

The Amsterdam Salon Fleet Foundation has submitted an application to UNESCO to place the historic salon boats in Amsterdam on the World Heritage List. These sailing monuments, which only sail by appointment with groups and do not cause any nuisance, are threatened by the decision of the municipality of Amsterdam to place these boats in a lottery. According to the municipality, this measure is necessary due to European regulations.

Chairman Reinhard Spronk of the SalonVloot Foundation emphasizes the importance of these boats for the historic character of Amsterdam. “Historic Amsterdam is a city built on water. A quarter of the municipality of Amsterdam consists of water. Monuments on land are protected, monuments on water are thrown into a grab bag. That's not possible," said Spronk. He adds that the foundation does not ask for subsidies, but simply wants to continue sailing in order to earn money and preserve the heritage for future generations.

The salon boats are an essential part of Amsterdam history and culture. There are currently approximately 35 recognized historic salon boats affiliated with the foundation. These boats are not only a tourist attraction, but also a symbol of the city's rich maritime history. The foundation emphasizes that preservation through use is the only correct way to deal sustainably with this sailing heritage and to guarantee continuity.

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Photo: © Pitane Blue - Salonboot Amsterdam

These often beautiful historic salon boats mainly focus on hosting private and business cruises. These owners once started out of love for their ship. Out of respect and craftsmanship for the often classic lines and their history.

The shipping companies affiliated with the foundation, as well as other shipping companies in Amsterdam, are currently involved in a lawsuit against the municipality over the lottery, which is being handled by the Council of State. This high-profile case starts next Wednesday, June 5, in The Hague. The outcome of this lawsuit will be crucial for the future of the salon boats.

The SalonVloot foundation has plans to... Amsterdam Salon Fleet to be included as the 14th Dutch site on the World Heritage List, on the occasion of Amsterdam's 750th anniversary next year. This would be an important recognition for the sailing heritage and the unique role these boats play in preserving the history and culture of Amsterdam.

The importance of this application cannot be overstated. Preserving the historic salon boats is not only important for the current generation, but also for the future. By recognizing these boats as a World Heritage Site, their cultural and historical value is officially recognized and protected from threats such as the proposed lottery. It is an opportunity to preserve and celebrate Amsterdam's sailing heritage, and ensure that future generations can enjoy these beautiful and historic boats.

The SalonVloot foundation continues to fight for the preservation of the salon boats and hopes that the UNESCO application will be successful. Community support and UNESCO recognition would be a huge boost to their efforts to preserve and protect the sailing heritage.

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