Revolution in the taxi industry: digital Declaration of Conduct now a fact

Kiwa Rijswijk

From mid-May, a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) will be available to everyone digitally.

Digitalization is taking an increasingly prominent place within Dutch society, and this time it is the turn of an essential document for many employees and employers: the Declaration of Good Conduct (VOG). The Certificate of Good Conduct, a crucial step for those who want to work in certain sectors, such as the taxi industry, is undergoing a significant change. Until recently, this statement could only be obtained in paper form, but from mid-May it will be possible to receive the Certificate of Good Conduct digitally, a development that brings a number of advantages.

The taxi industry, where a Certificate of Good Conduct is mandatory for both taxi drivers and taxi entrepreneurs, clearly illustrates how important this document is. Without a VOG, registration in the Kiwa register, which is necessary to obtain or renew a driver card every five years, is impossible. This makes the accessibility and availability of the VOG crucial for the sector.

The transition to digital issuance of the VOG is an initiative of the screening authority Justis, which strives for a more efficient, sustainable and user-friendly method of offering the VOG. This new method of receipt via the Berichtenbox of mijnoverheid.nl will be rolled out in phases from March 20. The phased rollout, spread over four phases over two months, ensures that the capacity of Justis' systems is taken into account and that the transition runs smoothly.

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The VOG requesting organization has the responsibility to always check the VOG for accuracy and authenticity. After receiving the digital Certificate of Good Conduct, the organization carries out a two-step check.

Applicants can choose between the new digital version and the traditional paper version of the VOG, without this making any difference to the costs. The digital Certificate of Good Conduct has various advantages. This means that the statement can be delivered to the applicant more quickly, which can be particularly important for people who want to accept a new job in the short term. In addition, the digital Certificate of Good Conduct is easier to send to potential employers and contributes to the sustainability objectives by reducing paper use.

To ensure the authenticity of the digital Certificate of Good Conduct, invisible digital security features have been introduced that replace the traditional visible features, such as the watermark on the paper version. Employers can use a validation tool and the associated government website can easily check the VOG for authenticity. This development marks an important step in the further digitalization of government services, aimed at simplifying and accelerating administrative processes.

De introduction of the digital VOG is an example of how technological innovations can improve the interaction between government and citizens. It reflects a broader trend of digitalization within government, where ease of use, sustainability and efficiency are central. This development is particularly relevant at a time when the demand for fast and accessible services continues to grow.

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