Last Saturday, Manneken Pis wore the outfit of a Brussels cyclist.
On the occasion of World Bicycle Day on June 3, Manneken Pis wore the costume of a Brussels cyclist. Brussels Mobility takes the opportunity to take stock of the increase in the number of cyclists and the development of the cycling infrastructure in the capital.
The bicycle in Brussels – where are we?
The figures of the new Brussels “travel survey” have recently become known: the share of cycling in Brussels is now 9%, compared to 3% ten years ago. 20,9% of the inhabitants of Brussels even say that they cycle “every day” or “once or more times a week”. In 2022, on certain axes such as Wetstraat, the bicycle counters will have counted more than 10000 cyclists per day for the first time. 513 km of “cycling infrastructure” is now available in Brussels.
"Being able to choose how you move yourself, that is an important form of freedom. In Brussels we invest in alternatives to the car, precisely to give as many people as possible that freedom of choice. And that works: we continue to expand the cycling infrastructure year after year in the entire Region, and the number of cyclists has tripled. What is possible in Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Paris, can now also be done in Brussels."
Elke van den Brandt, Brussels Minister of Mobility.
In addition to perpetuating the 50 km of temporary cycle paths that were built in 2020-2021, a number of projects to further develop or improve this infrastructure have been completed since 2022. Others will follow this year.
- further finishing of the two-way cycle path on the Kleine Ring (near the Botanic Garden and Boudewijnlaan)
- a cycle path on the Henri Simonetlaan
- connection with the Flemish cycling network along the E40 between the Communities Avenue and the Tollaan
- signposting of the CR Brussels-Leuven cycle highway
- signposting of the network of nodes for bicycle tours
- new cycle paths on Regional Cycling Routes: Herinkxlaan in Uccle, Deltastraat and Keerkringenlaan in Vorst,…
In terms of bicycle parking, there are more than 40 spaces available on public roads, plus more than 000 secure parking spaces in bicycle boxes and local car parks.
Manneken Pis on a bike!
On June 3, from 12 noon to 15 pm, Manneken Pis will wear the outfit of a Brussels cyclist: sneakers, jeans and a white jersey. These are supplied by the official tailor of Manneken Pis, Sophie Wéry. The artwork on the shirts was created by @Ender_and_May. Anyone can try to win this jersey by taking a selfie with the Manneken Pis on June 3 between 12 and 15 p.m. and sending it via the website, said Brussels Mobility.