
The trade union action has as its theme trade union freedoms and the fight against social dumping and is not aimed at De Lijn at all.

On Monday 22 May, some De Lijn buses or trams may not run. This is a result of a trade union action. The transport company certainly regrets the inconvenience this will entail for its bus and tram passengers.

The action day will take place on Monday 22 May and will cause disruption to bus and tram services throughout Flanders. The extent of the impact on services, and where it will be felt most, is currently not yet certain. Services will return to normal on Tuesday 23 May. In the context of it decree continuity of service, De Lijn will provide an adjusted timetable. This is composed on the basis of the willing drivers.


On 26 May 2021, at the initiative of Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters, the Flemish Parliament approved the continuity of services at De Lijn. The decree provides, among other things, that a strike notice must be reported at least 8 days in advance and that employees have up to 72 hours before the strike to let them know whether they will continue to strike or not.

Based on this information, the transport company then draws up a transport offer, which is announced to travelers at least 24 hours in advance. The three unions at De Lijn went to the Constitutional Court to challenge the continuity of services in the event of a strike. The Constitutional Court judges now in a judgment that the decree does not affect the right to strike.

Read also  No improvement: travelers lose confidence in De Lijn
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