In addition to dozens of official reports for individual violations, the ILT has imposed several orders subject to periodic penalty payments on transport companies.
At the end of January and the beginning of February, the ILT drew up official reports because two tankers were degassing while sailing contrary to the rules. Both tankers degas in a densely populated area and one of these ships even had the cargo tanks open while passing through a lock. The ILT enforces the regulations for the transport of hazardous substances in inland shipping (the ADN). Violating the ADN is an economic crime.
When carrying out supervision and investigations, the ILT uses all kinds of technical means, such as e-noses and drones, which make it possible to determine whether or not a ship has degassed. In addition to dozens of official reports for individual violations, the ILT has imposed several orders subject to periodic penalty payments on transport companies. Ships of these companies have repeatedly been caught violating the rules for degassing while sailing. If the ILT detects a possible violation of the provincial ordinance, the province will be informed.

Even in a lock
At the end of January, the ILT received a message from the DCMR Environmental Protection Agency Rijnmond that the service had received e-nose reports from a ship. ILT inspectors then boarded a tanker that was on its way to Antwerp via the Volkerak locks. The e-nose reports indicated that the ship was degassing while sailing in a densely populated area. The inspectors found that the ship still had all cargo tanks open during the passage through the lock due to degassing. During the interrogation, the skipper also acknowledged this. Degassing near locks, but also in the outports thereof, is prohibited according to the ADN, just like degassing near densely populated areas. The inspectors have drawn up an official report.
Load under duress
At the beginning of February, ILT inspectors boarded a tanker. This ship was previously degassing in a densely populated area. Also contrary to the provisions in the ADN. A report has been drawn up here. Because this tanker was subject to repetition, an order subject to periodic penalty payments was also imposed, according to the ILT.