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The extension will take effect on March 1, 2023 and applies to newly registered drivers.

The State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management Vivianne Heijnen has meanwhile published the amendment regulation that extends to the use of the on-board computer and on-board computer cards. The change mainly concerns the extension of the period of validity of the shorter valid driver cards for the purpose of participating in a work-study program for taxi drivers. This change does not involve a transition period and will come into effect on March 1, 2023.

An additional problem is the shortage of examination capacity at the Central Office for the Issuance of Driving Skills Certificates (CBR). At some CBR locations, there is not enough examination capacity available for LWT drivers to take an exam and a re-examination within four months.

De widening changing the period of validity from four to six months will solve some of the capacity problems at CBR. After all, aspiring drivers have more time to meet the requirements. CBR has also initiated expansion of the examination capacity by training additional examiners, but this will take some time and will only have an effect in the longer term. At some CBR locations, there is not enough examination capacity available for LWT drivers to take an exam and a re-examination within four months. The term of six months is considered to be sufficient to pass a taxi exam, including a possible re-examination.

The ILT and KIWA do not foresee any problems as a result of the change in the term of the apprenticeship program from four to six months and the distinction made in cards.

In 2006, the learn-work trajectory was introduced. As the term implies, the purpose of a work-study program is to offer the trainee taxi driver the opportunity to gain work experience as part of his training. Taxi drivers are only allowed to work if they have a valid driver card. A taxi driver in training can apply for a driver card with a limited period of validity, the so-called lwt card. To prevent the lwt card from being used for another purpose, the issue is subject to a number of conditions. 

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For example, the card is only valid for a certain period. With the introduction of the learn-work trajectory in 2006, a period of validity of the lwt card of four months was chosen in consultation with the sector. These four months should be sufficient for aspiring drivers to obtain their permanent taxi driver's license (including recruitment and possibly re-examination).

taxi driver's license

Generally, 70% of aspiring drivers obtain their taxi driver's license within this period. The remaining 30% who fail within four months must therefore temporarily stop carrying out taxi work until the taxi certificate has been obtained. However, at the moment there are so few registrations of aspiring drivers that this has an impact on the total supply of available drivers. 

The ILT is responsible for supervising and enforcing the Regulation on the use of on-board computers and on-board computer cards (RGBB). KIWA is responsible for the process of issuing the lwt card and 'unlimited' driver card. After passing the exam, a driver automatically receives an 'unlimited' driver card after 6 months, until then the LWT card can be used.

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