Advice not to let performance ladder driving schools continue

In consultation with industry organizations, the CBR will look for other ways to encourage driving schools to deliver better and higher quality.

Taking driving lessons is a very important chapter in many people's lives, because this is a big step towards being independent. It is therefore also very important that you receive good and professional training in this. According to the CBR, the quality of many driving schools is not great and can be greatly improved. According to the CBR, almost 600 driving schools currently have a success rate of less than 30 percent and only half of the candidates who take the B driving license exam pass. 

Every year around 3000 exams are canceled because the candidate is a danger to himself, the examiner and other traffic. It is therefore very important that driving schools that perform below par are tackled. The Roemer committee wrote in an advisory report about the driving school sector that the pass rate has been far too low for years and that driver training must improve considerably.

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Failing to pass your driving license in one go entails considerable extra costs for the candidate, they have to take extra lessons and re-exam.

Earlier we wrote about the fact that the CBR was working on a performance ladder for driving schools. At the beginning of last year, the CBR, in consultation with sector parties, made a proposal to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management for the introduction of a performance ladder. This performance ladder should ensure that driving schools with a low pass rate are encouraged to improve their training and high-performing driving schools would receive certain benefits. Failing to pass your driving license in one go entails considerable extra costs for the candidate, they have to take extra lessons and re-exam. 

After testing the implementation of the performance ladder, the CBR has come to the conclusion that its implementation is too complicated. It cannot be ruled out that driving schools can evade the performance ladder and its implementation is very expensive. It CBR will, in consultation with industry organizations, look for other ways to encourage driving schools to deliver better and higher quality.

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