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Currently less than 10% of the approximately 18.000 vehicles in target group transport are zero-emissions.

Municipalities that are preparing to make target group transport emission-free in 2025 can find inspiration in a guide that CROW has published. Municipalities, market parties and other organizations such as the VNG, KNV and GNMI have already signed an administrative agreement for this. The publication provides guidelines for tendering, implementing and managing zero-emission in target group transport.

"I personally recommend using the guide within the tender. The requirement must now be the Clean Vehicle Directive."

According to Mark Rene is the manual “Zero emission target group transport, how do you do that?” more than welcome as a reference work for anyone who has to work with sustainability and zero emissions in target group transport and wants to do so. He will in any case distribute and use the guide, but there is something that keeps haunting his mind. 

“It's a nice helping hand, but paper is so patient. Somewhere the alderman of the Gooi en Vechtstreek region says, 'You can talk about it a lot, but you have to do it.' And that is of course absolutely correct. There are still too few doers, and those doers know how to find their way,” says the strategic advisor for target group transport. 

According to him, the big question is how to reach the non-doers? Of course through word of mouth, but a large part of the non-doers will only start when it really becomes mandatory.

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The Netherlands Enterprise Agency annually publishes a list of business assets that are eligible for the environmental investment allowance (MIA). In order to encourage less environmentally harmful business assets, the list has been expanded this year with electric taxis, wheelchair taxis and taxi vans. This means that as a taxi entrepreneur you can qualify for an investment deduction when purchasing an electric vehicle that can amount to 36% of the investment amount, provided that the requirements are met.

In 2018, municipalities, market parties and other organizations in target group transport signed it Administrative Agreement and Covenant Zero Emission Target Group Transport (BAZED). In it, the sector promised to strive for 100% zero-emission target group transport by 1 January 2025. Since 2015, municipalities have been responsible for most target group transport: Wmo transport, transport to and from daytime activities, student transport, transport under the Youth Act and transport in the framework of the Participation Act.

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Municipalities must therefore take zero-emissions as a starting point when tendering for target group transport. Progress is being made in the field of passenger cars, charging infrastructure and wheelchair buses. Yet less than 10% of the approximately 18.000 vehicles in target group transport are currently zero-emissions. And municipalities still have many questions about tendering zero-emission target group transport.


For the Guide to Zero-emission target group transport, Mobycon and Forseti have interviewed various parties from the sector on behalf of CROW. In addition to clients and carriers, they also spoke to vehicle suppliers, converters, the Mobility Tendering Institute (AIM) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). A working group consisting of clients from target group transport, transporters and employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and CROW contributed ideas.


The Handreiking Zero-emission target group transport from CROW offers municipalities tools for tendering, implementing and managing zero-emission in target group transport. The publication provides insight into sources, available tools and best practices that are useful in procurement. Download the Handbook Zero-emission target group transport from this page.

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