Solving transport poverty with artificial intelligence

The future of artificial intelligence in transport

The latest techniques in artificial intelligence can contribute to solving transport poverty.

With the arrival of the latest techniques in artificial intelligence (AI), I was curious about the answer to the question whether artificial intelligence can contribute to solving transport poverty. Transport poverty is a situation where people do not have sufficient resources to access affordable and reliable transport, which can lead to limited access to work, education and other services. 

AI can help by analyzing and predicting complex transport problems, which can lead to the development of new transport solutions aimed at reducing transport poverty. In addition, AI can also help optimize existing transport systems, for example by predicting transport needs and optimizing public transport routes. 

In general, AI can therefore contribute to solving transport poverty by developing and implementing transport solutions aimed at reducing this problem. In this article, I let artificial intelligence (AI) provide the answers. Transport poverty is a situation where people do not have sufficient resources to access affordable and reliable transport, which can lead to limited access to work, education and other services.

MaaS can help by providing an easy-to-use platform where users can access a wide variety of transportation options, including public transit, car sharing, and carpooling. This can improve the affordability and accessibility of transport, which can contribute to reducing transport poverty. However, it is important to remember that MaaS alone is not enough to solve transport poverty and other measures are also needed to address this problem.


Transport poverty occurs when people do not have sufficient resources to access affordable and reliable transport. This can be due to a number of factors, such as low income, lack of access to public transport or owning your own car, remoteness of residence or lack of amenities nearby. When people do not have sufficient transport, this can lead to limited access to work, education and other facilities, which can lead to a reduction in quality of life. Transport poverty is thus the result of a combination of factors that work together to deter people from affordable and reliable transport.

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Lack of access to public transport can lead to transport poverty.

The answer to the main question of whether transport poverty can be solved is clear. It is a complex problem that is not easy to solve. It depends on several factors such as level of income, access to means of transport and amenities in the area. As these factors can differ greatly between individuals and regions, solving transport poverty will also require different approaches. 

However, there are ways in which transport poverty can be tackled, such as offering subsidies for public transport, introducing car sharing or carpooling systems and investing in infrastructure and transport facilities in areas where transport poverty is a problem. It is important to take a wide range of measures to tackle transport poverty, and while it will not be easy to solve this problem, it is possible.


Politicians can play a role in solving transport poverty by taking measures that improve the affordability and accessibility of transport. This can be done, for example, by offering subsidies for public transport or supporting the setting up of shared car or carpool systems. In addition, politicians can invest in infrastructure and transport facilities in areas where transport poverty is a problem, which can help to improve access to transport. However, it is important to remember that transport poverty is a complex problem that cannot be solved by politics alone. 

Procurement can in some cases contribute to solving transport poverty. Tenders are a way governments and other organizations issue contracts for services or products, choosing the most advantageous offer. In the case of transport services, tendering can ensure that transport companies compete on price and quality, which can lead to lower rates for users and better service. This can contribute to reducing transport poverty as it improves the affordability of transport. However, it is important to remember that procurement alone is not enough to solve transport poverty and other measures are also needed.


Europe can play a role in solving transport poverty by supporting national and local efforts to tackle this problem. This can be done, for example, by financing projects aimed at improving the affordability and accessibility of transport, or by setting up programs aimed at promoting alternative means of transport such as shared cars and carpooling. In addition, Europe can also draw up guidelines and regulations to ensure that Member States tackle transport poverty as part of their national policies. Overall, therefore, Europe can play a role in helping to develop and implement measures aimed at reducing transport poverty.


Transport costs in rural areas can vary depending on various factors, such as the distance to be covered, the type of transport used and the prices of fuel and other costs. In general, transport costs in rural areas will be lower than in urban areas, as there is less congestion and distances are shorter. However, for people living in remote areas, the distance to nearest towns or villages can be relatively great, which can lead to higher transportation costs. It is therefore difficult to give an overall figure for transport costs in rural areas, as these can vary widely.

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It is important to take a wide range of measures to tackle transport poverty


Mobility as a Service, or MaaS, is a concept in which different means of transport and services are bundled together to provide an easy-to-use transport solution for consumers. Instead of owning a car or purchasing services such as public transport, carpooling or car sharing separately, MaaS provides a platform on which users can access a wide range of transport options.

Whether Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is necessary depends on various factors. In some cases, MaaS can be a useful addition to the existing transportation system, giving people access to a wide variety of transportation options and improving the convenience and affordability of transportation. For example, this can help reduce congestion and improve air quality in urban areas, and can also improve the mobility of people who do not own a car. 

On the other hand, there are also situations in which MaaS is not necessary, for example when sufficient alternative means of transport are already available and when the use of MaaS is not affordable or practical. In general, it depends on the specific circumstances whether MaaS is necessary or not.

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