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New charging points in parking garages must meet new conditions.

In the Netherlands we drive more and more electrically. That is why it is important that there are more charging points for electric cars. Also in parking garages. To ensure that new charging points are installed here safely, the legislation will be amended from 1 July 2023. This has consequences for owners and managers of garages.

What are the new conditions?

New charging points in parking garages must meet new conditions. The main ones are:

  • All charging points in a garage can be switched off centrally at the same time.
  • At the entrance of the garage it is clearly indicated where the charging points are located and how they can be switched off centrally.
  • Charging points use the charging techniques 'mode 3' or 'mode 4'. That means it is a charging station.

These conditions apply to all new charging points that will be installed from 1 July 2023, and are included in the Building Works Decree.

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New charging points in parking garages must meet new conditions.

The National Agenda Charging Infrastructure helps with advice

Government, grid management and companies are working closely together on the National Agenda Charging Infrastructure (NAL). This collaboration ensures that there are enough charging points for all electric vehicles in the Netherlands. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is a cooperation partner within the NAL.

Do you have questions about (fire) safety when charging electric cars? The NAL Safety working group offers municipalities, Owners' Associations (VvEs) and garage managers information and support for the safe installation of charging points. A subsidy is available especially for VvEs for charging point advice, according to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.

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