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On the road or at home on the couch, the driver is always in contact with the administration of the taxi company.

If you want to provide an overview of all data that is necessary for your employees, it is not a bad idea to think about dashboarding. This way of data visualization makes a world of difference in how you can communicate with employees within your organization. The online dashboard is the collection point of current information that is important for drivers. Whether it concerns current ride assignments, ride states or time registration, it can all be displayed visually on your dashboard.

and insight

The dashboard communicates and synchronizes in real time with the planning and the trip statement processing. Inside Pitane Compact is an online visual representation of company data, available in the form of charts, maps and diagrams. They provide insight into the state of affairs of key performance indicators (KPIs) of the company that you have influenced as a driver. The dashboard shows the most important information and pain points at a glance. The dashboard is concise and does not scare you by an abundance of information. 

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The dashboard communicates and synchronizes in real time with the planning and the trip statement processing.
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The moment the driver is logged in to the software, he automatically ends up in the dashboard. The dashboard provides insight into all data at a glance by means of a number of widgets. Information such as the number of trips, timeliness and cash to be paid are visible at a glance. In addition, the portal offers all information about the planning and the number of journey orders to be carried out in the future.

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In an era where insight into hours worked and breaks are important, the portal offers the driver all the information he can check at his own pace. On the road or at home on the couch, the driver is always in contact with the administration of the taxi company. All trips that have been carried out can be searched and checked on digital maps, including indication of scores achieved and any locations where certain threshold values ​​were exceeded. 

cost price

A dashboard for drivers does not have to be expensive. It saves a lot of communication with the control center by telephone or email and displays the situation in real time with data from the on-board computer or the app. Sending excel files is a thing of the past. After linking the data, the driver has up-to-date insights into his performance at the click of a button. Perhaps a phone call a good idea to provide insight to your employees as quickly as possible, because the online dashboard for your drivers is already available for less than a tenner a month.

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The moment the driver is logged in to the software, he automatically ends up in the dashboard.
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