Transport sector contributes to nitrogen reduction

Charging electric truck

If the Netherlands complies with all climate agreements up to 2030, this will yield an enormous bonus in nitrogen gains, meaning that agriculture will have to reduce emissions by a quarter to half. According to NRC, this is evident from calculations by the Ministry of Finance that have not yet been published. The transport sector can lend a hand in this.

The CO2 reduction potential in the transport and logistics sector counts heavily when you look at better utilization, cooperation in the chain and the reduction of empty driving. Add to that: fuel efficiency through the use of the latest generation of fuel engines and plug-in hybrids in combination with biofuels, long heavy vehicles of 25,25 meters and the super-eco combinations of 32 meters and the potential is great.

All the more important because a 1 percent fuel reduction of the entire Dutch transport fleet is the equivalent of 1.400 electric vehicles. All the attention seems to be on those electric trucks, but the reality is that we will now only arrive at 2022 units by the end of May 270.

It comes to the period 2025-2030 to grow to 10.000+ electric trucks. And that goes against the grain through a combination of the availability of suitable equipment from the truck manufacturers and the ability to load so many vehicles in the first place.

In the meantime, the transport sector will have to make a visible contribution to reduce CO2 emissions in the next 10 years and to contribute to the goals for 2030, and that is also possible.

This knife cuts both ways, lower emissions are good for the climate, also reduce costs and it helps to achieve the climate target. And that also benefits the agricultural sector through nitrogen reduction.

However, this requires that silo approaches are broken and that government and industry seek each other out with an open agenda. With an eye for the dilemma of common interest and individual risks. This requires a broader perspective on nature and climate problems and the willingness to work with an open mind towards solutions that really achieve the underlying goals. The calculations by the Ministry of Finance on the relationship between the climate target and nitrogen reduction are a good start in this regard.

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