Ghent Festivities 2022 poster presents rebirth

Ghent Festivities

Design agency Soon was allowed to work out the campaign for the Gentse Feesten this year

After two canceled editions, the Gentse Feesten are back in full glory this year. Today, Wednesday 18 May 2022, the campaign image was presented. The design is inspired by a work by Nicolas Poussin in which the virgin ascends towards heaven. In the Ghent wink version, Roland is the virgin. The accompanying slogan is 'The Rebirth'.

Design agency Soon was allowed to develop the campaign for the Gentse Feesten this year. They opted for a sparkling image with the slogan 'The Rebirth'. The campaign image shows a group of famous people, such as musician Roland and burlesque artist Zoe Bizoe, and others who seem to rise out of nowhere and head towards Ghent Festive Heaven. 

The design is inspired by a work by the French painter Nicolas Poussin where the virgin ascends to heaven. In the Ghent wink version, Roland is the virgin.

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Design agency Soon

"After two canceled editions, the Gentse Feesten are finally back and everyone is clearly looking forward to it. Two more months of counting down and then we can start. Anyone who feels like a piece of heaven is welcome in Ghent."

The full program will be announced on June 10. From then on, the official Gentse Feestenmagazine will be for sale in the newsagent and the website will go online www.gentsefeesten.be live.

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