Train ticket to be booked with KLM flight ticket

Since last week it is also possible to purchase a train ticket from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station (and back) when purchasing a KLM flight ticket. The service is mainly intended for foreigners who fly with KLM to Schiphol and stay in Amsterdam. This way travelers can plan and book their journey in one place and they do not have to queue for a train ticket on the spot.

Where KLM previously offered travelers the option of renting a car or ordering a taxi via the CarTrawler booking platform when booking their airline tickets, the option of the train has now been added. This option is intended to unburden travelers when booking their trip and to encourage travel by train. After the booking process, travelers will receive the train tickets from NS by e-mail.

NS and KLM want to make it easier to connect travel by train and plane. In the coming months, for example, more domestic NS destinations to and from Schiphol will be made available in the CarTrawler booking platform at KLMthe airline said.

Photo above: KLM image bank.

Also read: Hyperloop from Amsterdam to Berlin in 55 minutes

Since last week it is also possible to purchase a train ticket from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station (and back) when purchasing a KLM flight ticket.
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