Taxi company Travel Electric stops due to corona crisis

Travel Electric formerly Taxi Electric stops

Amsterdam taxi company Travel Electric has filed for bankruptcy. According to the company, which only uses electric taxis and focuses on rides for other companies such as ING, ABN AMRO, Heineken and also dozens of hotels, the taxi market in Amsterdam is not recovering for the time being now that the corona infections are rising strongly again.

Travel Electric made a restart in May last year, after the company was previously forced to file for bankruptcy due to the crisis. The company continued in a slimmed-down form and under the current name. Before that, the company was called Taxi Electric. It was then hoped that the taxi market would show a recovery, but that did not happen.

The company says the government's support schemes have brought only limited relief. The shareholder of Travel Electric has had to make significant additional contributions to guarantee the continuity of the company over the past eighteen months. There have been takeover talks with several transport companies, but the current market sentiment also makes these companies wary, according to Travel Electric.

Also read: Taxi Electric makes a quick restart as Travel Electric

Taxi Electric was previously forced into bankruptcy
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