Traveling and holidays in the new year remains quite difficult

travel agent

The corona virus is spreading quickly in the Netherlands and many other countries. Do not travel abroad unless strictly necessary. Do not book trips and remember that holidays and family visits are not necessary trips. Do not be surprised and check the current situation before you travel travel advice per country. If you are abroad and you return to the Netherlands, you must have a negative corona test result.

This applies to all travelers aged 13 and older and transport by plane, boat, train and bus. If you go on holiday within the Netherlands, stay at your holiday address as much as possible. Limit the number of contact moments with other people. Receive a maximum of 2 people per day at home (excluding children up to 12 years). This also applies to your holiday address. Outside, groups of a maximum of 2 persons or 1 household.


Many people with complaints have the corona virus. With a test you quickly know whether you can go outside again or if you have to be extra careful so that you do not infect others. Usually you can have yourself tested within a day and you will have the results the next day. 

Make an appointment via coronatest.nl or or call 0800-1202.

Also read: From December 1, you can also test without corona complaints

test street
corona test street
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