Those who want to refuel cheaply should go to Sneek or Hoogeveen

MultiTank Card

MultiTankcard has announced the cheapest petrol pumps in the Netherlands. If you want to refuel cheaply, you have to go to Sneek because there is gas station Joontjes Kreditank there winnaar has been awarded the Slim Tanken Award 2020 in the E10 petrol category, with an average liter price of only € 1,434. Refueling is also inexpensive in the millionaire village of Blaricum, at Fieten Olie Blaricum, which won second prize with a liter price of € 1,435. 

All Dutch filling stations with at least 500 transactions per year could compete for the Slim Tanken Award, which is presented annually by MultiTankcard. Joontjes Kreditank Sneek is not only the cheapest with the - most common - E10 petrol, but is also in the Top 3 at Diesel. Sneek is well represented anyway; various Sneker pumping stations can be found in the ranking.

“People often don't realize that a 100-kilometer ride can easily cost around 15 euros in petrol. This makes it a sport for many Dutch people to save as much as possible here. Of course it helps to limit the number of kilometers driven and to adopt an economical driving style, ”says Patrick Roozeman, director of MultiTankcard.

But the choice of petrol station is also decisive. For example, you paid an average of 10 cents more per liter for E17 petrol in November this year along the motorway than at an average local unmanned pump. That saves on an average tank (55L) immediately more than 9 euros per refueling. Since nowadays more than half of all petrol stations are unmanned, you will always find a cheap petrol station nearby. Refueling at manned filling stations that are not located along the highway is also a lot cheaper. For example, last month it was 13 cents cheaper per liter than a refueling along the highway.

In 2019, the petrol stations Tango in Groenlo and Total in nearby Ruurlo received the 'Slim Tanken Award 2019' from MultiTankcard. Both petrol stations delivered with an average liter price of EUR 1,551 for EUR 95.

In the Premium petrol E5 category, the Slim Tanken Award 2020 goes to TinQ Hoogeveen, province of Drenthe (liter price € 1,581). There are even two winners in the Diesel category: Tamoil Nieuw-Vennep, Noord-Holland, and Esso Express Beek, municipality of Montferland, Gelderland; together they are the cheapest with an average liter price of € 1,095.


Pump owners look back on a special year. During the first lockdown, from March, the number of refueling fell dramatically. At the same time, there was a trade war that led to unbelievably low gasoline prices. Some pump owners saw their turnover drop by up to 50 percent.

Also read: Slim Refueling Award 2019 goes to two petrol stations in Gelderland

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