From one day to the next 20.000 fewer journeys during rush hour

online education

From one day to the next fewer journeys and almost all school transport comes to a standstill. A serious blow to taxi companies that see the much-needed income in school transport evaporate and end up in heavy weather again. Schools in special primary education will be physically closed from Wednesday December 16, 2020 in order to limit the number of contacts as much as possible. Secondary schools will also be physically closed until January 17, 2021 and must teach remotely. 

The lepupils who are able to go to school, those in vulnerable positions and pupils with one or two parents with a crucial profession. Automation specialist Censys BV in Eindhoven saw over 20.000 fewer journeys on the counter overnight during the morning rush hour. These figures are shown daily nationally, but the numbers are dismal for the sector.

In addition, in view of the call to stay at home as much as possible, the WMO transport and Valys will also decline. The KNV will again point out to clients, VNG and VWS for healthcare transport the need to continue to pay the fixed costs for canceled journeys. Because without financial aid, healthcare transporters cannot bridge the period until their drivers and vehicles are needed again to meet the demand for healthcare transport. A number of these currently apply to self-employed persons support measures

 Also read: Taxi transport has come to a standstill for primary and secondary schools

Tailor-made transport employee
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