From December 1, you can also test without corona complaints

corona test street

People who have been in contact with an infected person from source and contact research or the CoronaMelder app can have themselves tested for corona from 1 December. Even if they have no complaints. This can be done on the 5th day after the last risky contact with that person. On this day, the virus can also be detected in people without complaints. Is the result negative? Then the quarantine period of 10 days does not have to be completed. An important condition is that people remain alert to complaints afterwards and have themselves tested again if they do develop complaints.

Test without complaints with the most suitable tests

The government is currently using 3 types of tests: the PCR test, the LAMP PCR rapid test and the antigen rapid test. People without complaints should be tested with a suitable test. Someone without complaints can still infect others and that is why it is also important for this group to prevent someone from wrongly getting a negative test result. The PCR and LAMP PCR test are sufficiently sensitive. At the moment it is still being investigated whether the antigen rapid tests can also be used.

Appointment number for people without complaints

Which test you get depends on your situation and the availability at the location near you. You cannot choose this yourself. To ensure that someone is always offered a suitable test without complaints, a separate telephone number will be created from 1 December for people who emerge from source and contact research and the CoronaMelder app.

Compliance with basic measures remains crucial

Large-scale and frequent testing of the Dutch, in combination with source and contact research, contributes to keeping society open and keeping an eye on the virus. But no test, however frequently administered, beats the virus on its own. People's behavior is and remains the crucial factor. Therefore, adherence to basic measures remains the most important way to prevent the spread of the virus. This reports the National government on their website through this news item.

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