All inclusive in the Netherlands almost as expensive as abroad

Sun, sea and beach

Going on holiday in your own country turns out not to be as beneficial to the wallet as you might think at first glance, the Holiday Discount Discounter reports on their website. This is evident from recent figures. For a week of all inclusive stay you pay almost as much in the Netherlands as in the more popular holiday countries.

Most all-inclusive vacations for this summer, according to the Holiday discount booked to Greece, Spain and Turkey, the most popular destinations for an all-inclusive holiday. For an 8-day holiday (7 nights) you spend an average of € 700 per person. That includes flight. For an 8-day holiday with an all-in formula in the Netherlands, you will spend around € 620, without flight or transport. The difference is not really big.

Greece is the most popular destination for a week of all-inclusive this year, followed by Spain and Turkey. Italy and Austria complete the top top5. A week of all-inclusive in Greece costs you on average € 763 per person, followed by Spain (€ 687) and Turkey (€ 640). If you like to pay attention to the money, it is best to spend a week in Austria (€ 359, -), although this is based on own transport instead of a flight. A week in Italy costs about € 554 per person.

The top 5 all inclusive destinations from 1 to 31 August 2019 based on an 8 day holiday were: 1. Turkey, 2. Spain, 3. Greece, 4. Egypt, 5. Italy. The top 5 all inclusive destinations from 1 to 31 August 2020 based on an 8 day holiday were: 1. Greece, 2. Spain, 3. Turkey, 4. Italy, 5. Austria.

The average prices per person of the top 5 in 2019 were: 1. Greece € 792 2. Spain € 779 3. Turkey € 713 4. Italy € 559 ​​5. Austria € 379. The average prices per person of the top 5 in 2020 were: 1. Greece € 763 2. Spain € 687 3. Turkey € 640 4. Italy € 554 5. Austria € 359.

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