Sun, sea and beach. The summer vacation is actually a bit on the way, the door is ajar after Prime Minister Rutte's press conference. What are the risks. How do you deal with people who return from vacation. The cabinet is looking very precisely at how we should deal with that holiday period. And there is not a complete answer to that yet.
According to Mark Rutte, you first want to know what the policies of other European countries are. And then you see differences. Take the difference between Italy, Spain on the one hand and France on the other. Sometimes you have to look very precisely at what they really do. Because sometimes it looks more similar than it initially seems. The second is that one has to estimate what the contagion risks actually are in those countries. So we have to take that into account. And a third aspect is, of course, whether or not you have to take risk mitigation measures for people returning from vacation.
“So those are things we should look at. Based on this, we want to make a decision soon, or a decision, at least to let the Netherlands know how we view holidays in Europe or even beyond. But certainly in Europe. At the moment I am rushing to add to that, code orange applies. Code orange means: all trips only if strictly necessary. That is the situation now, ”said Rutte during the press conference.
To be honest, it is not yet possible to say whether the door for a summer holiday is ajar. ant we must first know exactly what I said what other countries are doing. What are the risks. How do you deal with people who return from vacation. So they really want to map that out. And that really takes a little more time.