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Nine out of ten Dutch people (90%) take economic contraction in 2020 into account. From 6 April, companies that have been duped by the corona crisis can contact the UWV report. Minister Wouter Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment takes into account that 100.000 companies will report to the benefits agency UWV in the coming period for a wage cost scheme. The government has released between 10 and 20 billion euros for this.

half of Dutch people expect sharp deterioration in economy

More and more employers are asking their staff to take vacation days during the corona crisis. The trade unions CNV and FNV have received all kinds of questions and more complaints about this in recent weeks. Minister Wouter Koolmees does not want to be naive and knows that many people will lose their jobs and companies will go bankrupt in the coming month.

A majority of Dutch people expect that the corona restrictions will last at least another six months, according to a in. of I&O Research among more than two thousand Dutch people. Last week, the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) presented economic scenarios for the Netherlands. Economic contraction seems inevitable in all scenarios. That message has also reached the Dutch population; nine out of ten Dutch people (90%) anticipate economic contraction in 2020.

first support SMEs and only then large companies such as KLM

To save the economy, according to three-quarters (78 percent) of the population, the government should initially focus on supporting SMEs. Three in ten Dutch people (30 percent) think that the government should focus on supporting large companies such as Schiphol and KLM. A comparable group (29 percent) disagrees. The main concern of the Dutch is therefore initially with the smaller entrepreneurs.

I&O Research carried out this research on its own initiative. The survey took place from 26 to 30 March 2020 and 2.342 Dutch people participated. The results were weighted by gender, age, education, region and voting behavior in the House of Representatives elections in 2017. This makes the sample representative of Dutch residents (18+) entitled to vote, with regard to these background characteristics. The majority of the participants come from the I&O Research Panel (n = 2.243). In addition, 99 participants took part in this study via PanelClix.

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Minister Wouter Koolmees
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