Working from home requires smart software for taxi companies

working from home

The corona crisis has also adapted the complete passenger transport software. Not only was the RIVM protocol for Covid-19 transport integrated, but the way of working also received a permanent update. Many people have switched to a work-from-home situation because of the coronavirus outbreak. Many companies are moving to an efficient way to connect to their office network. 

The Pitane Mobility network has been technically modified in recent weeks so that this new way of working does not impose any restrictions on the taxi sector. The new 'forced' trend also carries significant risks. Employees are always the weakest link in a company's cybersecurity, but when they leave the office, you have even less control and protection over them. Transport companies can now get acquainted with the latest Pitane Mobility Web Edition

“Switching to the new way of working was our challenge past month. That meant new technieken implement within our network without to make concessions to the functionality and speed of the Pitane Mobility software. The result is surprising because now every taxi company can experience working from home and cut costs for workplaces. All that is needed now is an Internet connection and a computer, notebook or tablet ”, says Gerrit Saey - director Pitane BV Eindhoven.

security and speed are the main assets

The COVID-19 crisis is of course also the playing field for scammers and hackers who like to give inexperienced employees who work from home a helping hand. Right now you need to have cybersecurity to efficiently protect all 'new' access points of your company's network. Working from home is linked to a number of conditions such as decent bandwidth, but that is not the biggest problem nowadays because a 4G network is fast enough to work nowadays. Security is one of the strongest assets and all communication with our network is over encrypted connections.

Also read: Taxi market Flanders embraces Arrive booking platform

the new working from home for taxi companies with the Pitane Mobility Web edition
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