In consultation with the Royal Dutch Transport, RIVM and health insurers in the Netherlands, they have drawn up two protocols for responsible taxi and healthcare transport. One protocol that could be used for regular taxi and healthcare transport, but also a protocol with very specific guidelines that apply to the transport of patients with (the suspected) COVID-19 virus.
should or should we not wear mouth masks in times of corona?
Could mouth masks protect ordinary citizens against the coronavirus? A lot is currently being written about this question now that many different (Eastern) European countries have obliged them to residents and they are also starting to appear more and more in the streets with us.
Maggie De Block (Minister of Health in Belgium) about mouth masks: "It is no use wearing protective masks in times of corona, it can give a false sense of security."
It makes no sense for ordinary citizens to wear protective masks in times of corona on the street, in the hope of avoiding contamination with the corona virus. According to Minister of Health Maggie De Block from Belgium (Open VLD).
Virologists Marc Van Ranst and Steven Van Gucht and science journalist Koen Wauters join her and both the World Health Organization (WHO) say it makes no sense to wear them on the street, in your home or in your garden. It makes sense if you wear special masks to care for people infected with the coronavirus, for nursing staff and in places where it is inevitable that people will meet, as such a mouth mask will be a greater barrier to the virus, the virologists.
“We know, however, that it does not protect you. On the contrary: it sometimes gives a false sense of security. You will move closer to others, some people wash their hands less and are less attentive. ” Thus the Block.
Use the RIVM protocol as a guideline
Transvision provides 24/7 planning and monitoring of IC patients in collaboration with Trevvel, NVIV and MICU Southwest Netherlands. Seated transport may now also be necessary for people who have a suspected corona infection. This transport requires special protocols, the new RIVM protocol applies to people who have complaints that are appropriate for COVID-19, such as a cold, cough, sneezing or fever.
Seated transport can take place if necessary if the driver observes the RIVM instructions, such as a mouth mask and at least 1,5 meters distance from the patient. Everything is described in the protocol necessary seated transport of persons with complaints appropriate to COVID-19.
There are 2 different types of mouth masks, 1, you have the surgical mouth mask, these are a kind of square wipes that a surgeon wears during surgery. Their function is actually to prevent someone else from being infected by, for example, coughing, they do not protect yourself against an infection of something. 2, it type of mask FFP2 or FFP3 (technical name). They do provide protection to the wearer. They look a bit like a duckbill. This must be very tight on the face and therefore pinch, resulting in bruises.
Also read: Is there unauthorized state aid in the taxi sector?