The main objective of the NOW is to maintain employment. The ministries of SZW and EZK are working very hard on the measures announced by the cabinet, such as the NOW. However, it will take a while before actual resources are released. The rules are now being worked out, after which their implementation must be set up and finally all applications must be processed.
The Cabinet is taking a number of measures to support entrepreneurs during the corona crisis. The Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging for Retention of Work (NOW) is one of those measures. The NOW scheme applies from 1 March 2020 and has replaced the short-time working scheme. Although the detailed NOW scheme has not yet been published, give the answers to the parliamentary questions slightly more clarity about the content of the scheme.
The Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging for Work Retention has different conditions than the short-time working scheme (wtv scheme) that was withdrawn on 17 March. The Cabinet would like to financially compensate more employers and wants to do this faster than under the withdrawn WTV scheme. Under the scheme, employers can submit an application for a substantial contribution towards wage costs and receive an advance from UWV. Under the wtv scheme, the employer was compensated afterwards.
Also read: Cleaning calls on the government to fulfill its obligations