Taxi entrepreneur from Landen keeps making mistakes

Leuven, Ferdinand Smoldersplein 5 Courthouse

The Leuven criminal court has again ruled in a case for an old acquaintance of the court. For the former entrepreneur Paul van de Wyngaert it remains difficult to carry out entrepreneurship correctly in Landen and to stay away from the courts. 

For years, the man has left a 'business track' of misery behind them. As the manager of the taxi company in Flanders, he was personally fined 24.000 euros, a pittance of the 120.000 euros that the BVBA has to pay in this criminal case.

an entrepreneur with history

Paul van de Wyngaert is an entrepreneur from the province of Flemish Brabant with a heavily loaded criminal record and poor track record. From secondary ambulance transport to airport transport, nothing is too much for him. He is now also an agent for life insurance sales and manager of El Lobo, the former P-Fashion, which makes tailor-made men's clothing from high-quality fabric. It is and remains a wonderful one 'fantast' with insane ideas that fail again and again, but for which he always manages to trap people who fall into his trap.

In the latest lawsuit, taxi drivers' working hours were not respected and their wages were not properly paid. From bankruptcy to social law violations, it is nothing too much for the entrepreneur. 

The company court in Leuven previously pulled the plug on Taxi Polly BVBA in Walshoutem. The company was mainly active in taxi service and airport transport in the countries of Gingelom, Hannut, Warreme and Tienen. Since February 12, 2016, van de Wyngaert was the manager who was succeeded as of June 1, 2019 by Dana Claes.

In addition to the claimant, there were also other parties who attempted to enforce substantial amounts. This was evident from the central file for the seizure notices.

Also read: Leuven court unplugs Taxi Polly BVBA

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