AutomotiveNL organizes the Multi-year Mission Driven Mobility Innovation Programs in collaboration with Rijkswaterstaat at the Automotive Campus in Helmond.

In June, several members were already consulted on the core topics within the Integrated Knowledge and Innovation Agenda. We would like to give more substance to this on July 11, this meeting is also aimed at building alliances that can submit programs for public funding in the period 2020-2023 later this year.

Mission driven innovation policy with impact

In the parliamentary letter 'Towards a Mission-Driven Innovation Policy with Impact' (dated 13 July 2018), the Cabinet has expressed its intention to focus the national commitment to innovation more on social issues. The climate agreement has emphatically been mentioned as an example process for modernizing innovation policy. An integrated knowledge and innovation agenda (IKIA) has been drawn up under the climate agreement. Through 13 concrete multi-year mission-driven innovation programs (MMIPs), the IKIA articulates the necessary knowledge and innovation for the social task that the climate agreements mean. The period up to and including July 2019 will be used to further elaborate the IKIA and the MMIPs. After July, this will be translated into innovation contracts for the next 4 years.

Sustainable mobility

2050 MMIPs are linked to the mission to Sustainable Mobility in 2. The first MMIP (No. 9) is about making powertrains more sustainable for all modalities. The second MMIP (no.10) focuses on efficient transport movements for people and goods by redesigning the mobility system. There are also integral themes. For example, the development of charging infrastructure is linked to the built environment (No. 5) and renewable fuels (biofuels / power to X) to the missions in industry (No. 6 and 8). The MMIPs provide a detailed description of the innovation tasks. Implementation will be assigned to the existing top sectors as much as possible.

(Sustainable) Mobility does not have its own top sector, but the task is divided over at least 4 top sectors (logistics, HTSM, Energy, Chemistry) and is part of the key technologies. For the implementation of the MMIPs it is important that it is in line with the innovation agendas of companies and knowledge institutions. It is important for parties within AutomotiveNL to link up with the innovation tasks from the MMIPs. This task offers national and international new economic opportunities in the coming years and increases the chance of public funding.