The rumor has been going on since early June, but Apple has taken over confirmed. This company was engaged in self-driving vehicles. They were used in a taxi-like manner. A van from the company drove independently to consumers. was founded in 2015 by graduate students from the Artificial Intelligence Lab at Stanford University. In 2018 it started test drives in Texas for an autonomous shuttle project. Users could call up a van via an app. It arrived completely independently and continued its route without the need for a driver. You can compare it to Uber, but completely autonomously.
The activities and test drives have been discontinued as a result of the takeover. Apple will probably have engineers working on its own Apple Car. According to tech site Axios dozens of employees are now working for Apple. In addition to employees, Apple reportedly also took over the vehicles.
Uncertainty surrounding Apple Car (Project Titan)
According to OneMoreThing, Apple has been working on its own system for autonomous vehicles for some time. CEO Tim Cook makes no secret of it and calls it 'the mother of all AI projects'. However, what exactly Apple plans with self-driving cars remains unclear. Under the name Project Titan, the technology has been tinkered with for a while, but the reports often contradict each other.